- bill receivable应收票据,应收账款;
- bill of sale抵押证券;卖契;
- bill of rightsn.权利和自由法案,<美>美国宪法前十条修正案;
- bill of materialsn.材料单;
- bill of faren.菜单,菜谱;
- bill of exchangen.汇票;
- bill of entryn.报关单;
- Bill Gates[计]比尔;
- bill collector票据收款人;收账员;
- commercial secretary商务秘书;
- commercial science商业学;
- commercial papern.商业本票,商业票据商业票据;
- Commercial loan商业贷款,商业放款;
- commercial vehicle商用车;
- commercial value市场价值,出售价格,经济价值;
- commercial use商业用途;
- commercial law商法;
- Commercial Invoice商务发票,正式签证的贸易发票;
- commercial establishment[贸易] 商业机构;商号;
- Commercial Counselor商务参赞;
- 双语例句
So it is ideal printing machine for the commercial bill to print hige - Graded free adhesive trademark.
是各印刷厂印刷票据、卡纸、 高档 不干胶商标最理想的机器.
Cannot continue to the commercial bill purchase side provides the fund time, the fluid crisis forms.
到商业票据购买方不能继续提供资金的时候, 流动性危机就形成了.
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